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The Fishing Chinchilla: An Account of an Avid Angler's Adventures
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My Fishing Journal
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The Fishing Chinchilla
May 3, 2020
7 min read
Small Fry: My Formative Fishing Years (Part 2)
Many juvenile species spend their years of growth and development in specific areas. Young Russell and John's snappers are known to...
The Fishing Chinchilla
May 2, 2020
3 min read
Small Fry: My Formative Fishing Years (Part 1)
As a child, I had some pretty strange interests. Even at the age of four, I would memorise stars, their compositions and their positions...
The Fishing Chinchilla
May 1, 2020
4 min read
Long have I pondered over writing my own fishing journal, and long have I mulled over how I would start. The culmination of that...
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